Gadjah Mada University has long been known by the public as a university with a strong tradition in serving non-stop to the nation and state. GMU thoughts were known to excel on the world stage in a synergy-based solutions offer cutting-edge science with local knowledge on barbagai problems of the nation and humanity. This tradition is embodied by all components of the university through scientific development that holds fast to the values of the Gadjah Mada University's and strongly oriented on populist issues, multiculturalism, and the notion of lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning).
Alhamdulillah all the practice problems you can download. You are the visitors to prayer, our team successfully processed Exercise Problem UM UGM 2011 with very good quality, go back to our site as often as possible. Thanks!
Download Prediksi Soal UM UGM 2011
All exam drill consists :
Potential Test
Basic capabilities:
1. Basic Mathematics,
2. Indonesian,
3. English Language
1. Mathematics IPA
2. Physics,
3. Chemistry,
4. Biology,
1. History,
2. Geography,
3. Economy,
All of exam drill please download here, Thanks!