Gadjah Mada University has long been known by the public as a university with a strong tradition in serving non-stop to the nation and state. GMU thoughts were known to excel on the world stage in a synergy-based solutions offer cutting-edge science with local knowledge on barbagai problems of the nation and humanity. This tradition is embodied by all components of the university through scientific development that holds fast to the values of the Gadjah Mada University's and strongly oriented on populist issues, multiculturalism, and the notion of lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning).
Campus Educopolis
To accelerate the achievement of university goals, structuring and development of physical infrastructure in the campus environment fully GMU campus aimed at the realization principle "educopolis." This principle is expressly stated in the Campus Development Master Plan which mandates an environment that is conducive to the learning process in the context of multidisciplinary and collaborative development responsive to ecological issues. To realize educopolis campus, is currently a variety of programs currently and has been implemented, among others, are:
1. Reducing pollution and vehicle exhaust emissions.
2. Development of pedestrian.
3. Restriction of vehicles entered the campus.
4. Construction of new dormitories on the campus.
5. Development of parking pockets.
6. Development of the campus transportation system that is integrated with regional transportation system.
7. Planting the trees green.
8. Procurement campus bike.
9. Relocation of street hawkers into special places.
10. Waste management.
With these programs, expected in 2015 to create a campus of GMU are increasingly comfortable and secure fully so as to create an ideal learning process more sustainable. As future leaders of the future, UGM students 2011/2012 is designed to be a pioneer force, drive, executors, and guardians Educopolis Campus implementation. By continuing to ensure smooth mobility on campus, safe, and healthy, younger students 2011/2012 is not allowed to bring vehicles to the campus of GMU. GMU campus continues to be a campus organized a healthy, safe, and beautiful as the best campuses in the developed countries.
UM UGM 2011
In order to realize optimal education which contribute to nation building, new admissions are processed through the UM UGM with consideration:
1. Issuance of PP 66 of 2010 regarding amendment of Government Regulation No. 17 of 2010.
2. UGM has a limited capacity.
3. GMU is committed to the development of national human resources.
4. GMU realize economic capabilities in a diverse society.
5. GMU concerned people can not afford.
6. GMU consider developing local seeds.
7. GMU supports the development of sports talent and art.
8. UGM concerned community that cares advancement of higher education.
9. Acceleration of increase in the amount of aid to high school graduates GMU potentially smart, but economically poor.
GMU has held a seven-year Growth Leadership Quality Improvement program. Alumni of these programs began graduating in 2007 and continues to perform very satisfactorily in various career lines, private, government, and society.
Kind of UM UGM 2011
a. Superior Search
Superior Search Disadvantaged (PBUTM)
for outstanding students who can not afford economically. Selection is done through a nationwide invitation to the Head of the high school all over Indonesia to send intelligent students who can not afford economically. This program has been implemented since 2004. All participants were free of charge and registration of participants who received free tuition 8 semesters.
Search Superior Achievement Scholarship (PBUBB)
for high school students throughout Indonesia in science olympiad winners at national or international level finalists. Search through the file selection. Participants received free tuition 8 semesters.
Sports and Arts Talent Search (PBOS)
for high school students throughout Indonesia winners in sport or art: the first winner Porda Kejurda or provincial level; champion Popsinas; champion I-III kejurnas / PON; or a I-IV championship champion regional / international or I-III champion national art. Search through the file selection. For those who pass the selection file must take the test of skill.
Search Superior Regional Development (PBUPD)
for high school students all over Indonesia with high academic ability who proposed and financed by the Government, ministries of local government, institutions, and / or a credible company in the area. Search through the file selection.
b. National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN)
Detailed information can be found at http://www.snmptn.ac.id
1. Write a Talent Search Examination Self-Finance (PBS)
for students with high academic ability. Searches conducted through file selection and TBS.
2. Exam Writing (UTUL)
PBS Participants can register Exam Writing (UTUL) at no extra cost with the registration requirements and obligations as registrant PBS.
Written test PBS, PBS + UTUL, and UTUL held in Yogyakarta, Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, Pekanbaru, Batam, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Jakarta, Tangerang, Cirebon, Semarang, Madiun, Balikpapan, and Mataram.
Registration Procedure
Go to http://um.ugm.ac.id (3 Januari s.d. 10 Februari 2011).