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Change is inevitable. Universities are in unique position to deal with change; universities should present modeling leadership in flexibility and transformation. Universitas Gadjah Mada takes this responsibility seriously, not forgetting that the role of a university is to benefit the nation and humanity. Through research and education programs that are dedicated to generating new knowledge, the university is committed to serving the needs of the society. Research is the foundation of all knowledge, both that which is taught and that which informs service, and as such, research is central to role of a world-class university. Universitas Gadjah Mada is dedicated to supporting research and teaching that can increase prosperity, security and human welfare. This commitment requires research that is relevant, faculty who are empowered, and administration that is efficient. These goals are not simple to achieve, and are never fully met. Instead, Universitas Gadjah Mada recognizes that this is an ongoing, continual process of improvement, one which requires an engagement with global networks, but which remains committed to uniquely Indonesian values. Strong administrative leadership is necessary to insure that faculties are able to generate knowledge that contributes to a sustainable society, and that citizens are able to access the equity in that knowledge. In the spirit of this commitment, it is vital that universities address pressing social issues such as poverty and social tension.

As the oldest and largest university in Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada is especially charged with the responsibility to generate scholars and vision for the nation, through global interconnections that retaining cultural authenticity and a passion for social change. Universities cannot simply pursue knowledge without a purpose, but rather must uphold and integrate the best social values of a society in the process, never losing sight of the fact that universities exist for people, rather than the reverse. Universitas Gadjah Mada invites the world community and global industry to join this project of integrating research with pursuit of a better social good. The global connections of an international university can only be fully maximized when there is strong internal cooperation from within the university. In this way, Universitas Gadjah Mada has to be able to cope with the change we know will come, and those that we cannot anticipate in advance.

16 – 2023 – 2730 – 3 June6 – 1013 – 1720 – 2427 – 1 July
1Application Submission20 May - 12 June

2Administrative Verification *


3Preliminary Committee Session *


4Academic Verification (IPD & Interview)

17 - 18

5Result Anouncement

6Fees Full-Payment

22 - 27
7Student Registration


*) by committee

21 – 1 July4 – 811 – 1518 – 2225 – 291 – 58 – 1215 – 1922 – 26
1Application Fee Payment & Submission30 June - 24 July

2Administrative Verification *

25 - 27

3Preliminary Committee Session *


4Academic Verification (Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test **, TOEFL-Like***, & Interview)


5Final Committee Session *


6Result Anouncement

7Fees Full-Payment

15 - 22
8Student Registration

23 - 25

*) by committee
**) Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test minimum score required will be 500.
***) TOEFL-Like minimum score required will be 500.

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Universities are in unique position to deal with change; universities should present modeling leadership in flexibility and transformation. Universitas Gadjah Mada takes this responsibility seriously, not forgetting that the role of a university is to benefit the nation and humanity. Through research and education programs that are dedicated to generating new knowledge, the university is committed to serving the needs of the society. Research is the foundation of all knowledge, both that which is taught and that which informs service, and as such, research is central to role of a world-class university. Universitas Gadjah Mada is dedicated to supporting research and teaching that can increase prosperity, security and human welfare. This commitment requires research that is relevant, faculty who are empowered, and administration that is efficient. These goals are not simple to achieve, and are never fully met. Instead, Universitas Gadjah Mada recognizes that this is an ongoing, continual process of improvement, one which requires an engagement with global networks, but which remains committed to uniquely Indonesian values. Strong administrative leadership is necessary to insure that faculties are able to generate knowledge that contributes to a sustainable society, and that citizens are able to access the equity in that knowledge. In the spirit of this commitment, it is vital that universities address pressing social issues such as poverty and social tension.

Computer Science Studies Program

In response to fast-paced progress in information and communication technology (ICT) and increasing global and national demands for ICT professionals, the Computer Science International Undergraduate Program is established in Universitas Gadjah Mada starting in academic year 2011/2012. The program offers overseas as well as Indonesian students an opportunity to study and obtain their Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with international standard and excellent curriculum.

The curriculum allows students to select one from four specializations: computation, intelligent systems, computer systems and networks, and information systems and multimedia. Each specialization is backed up by a research lab, where lecturers specializing in that area and students collaborate in an invigorating research environment.

In order to complete their study and obtain a degree, a student must have passed at least 144 credits of courses. The courses are divided into three categories: core (105 credits), specialization (15 credits) and elective. Both core and specialization courses are mandatory. The core courses are common to all specializations.

Students are required to take a 3-credit community service and a 6-credit thesis in the final stage of the program. The community service is a program where students are put in a real work setting for a certain duration of time equivalent to a minimum of 288 hours. The standard completion time of the program is 8 semesters (4 years).


To be an internationally well-known and nationally leading faculty in education, research, and community-service activities and to produce graduates who are competent in their field, literate in information technology, entrepreneurial and competitive nationally and internationally.


The mission of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is:

  1. To carry out frontier research-based education in mathematics and natural sciences, up to post-graduate programs, with world-class and potential graduates by developing all departments and study programs.
  2. To carry out world-class fundamental and applied researches in an integrated manner to promote science and technology development for the nation’s and society’s welfare by developing all departments and research groups.
  3. To increase the faculty’s role in industry, information and communication technology, energy, environment, health and economy so that stakeholders may cooperatively develop and apply mathematics and natural sciences.
  4. To increase the faculty’s role as a valuable institution for society through activities that employ mathematics and natural sciences for propping up society’s welfare and well-being both in material and spiritual aspects.
  5. To make the faculty as a service center for research, training and consulting in mathematics and natural sciences and their applications.
  6. To realize the faculty as a good governance institution in order to support UGM as a self-sufficient university.


The CS-IUP commits to provide students with an education of the highest possible quality. There is essential policy of the program in terms of developing a program that provides resources to help students to be competitive in pursuing their future careers. In line with the Faculty's vision and mission, the general goals and objectives of Computer Science International Undergraduate Program are to:

  • Expand and reshape portfolio of the CS-IUP’s services to higher quality and internationally competitive educational programs.
  • Drive CS-IUP’s position in international market of higher education in computer science.
  • Meet international market demands for internationally oriented graduates.
  • Strengthen the nation (especially UGM) competitiveness.


TuitionRp 18,000,000/semester


Ilmu Komputer International Program
Sekip Unit III, FMIPA Gedung Selatan
Yogyakarta 55281
Telephone: +62 (274) 546194
Mobile: +628164267256, +6281392515675
Facsimile: +62 (274) 556194
Email: cs-iup@ugm.ac.id


Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.

Chemistry Program

The prosperity of modern societies is partly based on the far-reaching achievements of Chemistry. Progress in this discipline enables innovations in medicine, agriculture, energy, and in almost all manufacturing sectors of industry and materials for everyday use. With it, chemistry contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of people.


The Chemistry Department which is nationally leading and internationally recognized in education, research, and community services has responsibility to prepare qualified graduates having excellent knowledge and skills in Chemistry, capability to manage international collaboration and competition, as well as motivation to achieve the prosperity of mankind. The Department of Chemistry was established on September 1, 1960 and then achieved its international reputation in a couple decades ago. The postgraduate programs were inaugurated in 1980. Now, it offers undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs. Currently, the enrollment comprises 478 undergraduate, 180 master, and 84 Ph.D. students. As of May 2011, the department has granted 1883 B.Sc. (Sarjana Sains), 350 M.Sc., and 21 Ph.D. degrees.


The department has 43 educative staff members, 34 of them are Ph.D. holders. Among the Ph.D. members, 25 have overseas Ph.D. degrees. Of them, 14 are professors and 18 associate professors. There are 7 educative staff members taking Ph.D. courses in overseas and domestic universities. It is supported by 34 quality technicians and administration staffs.


The current curriculum offers 114 credit hours of core courses and 79 credit hours of elective courses. A candidate has to complete all 114 credit hours of the core courses and 30 credit hours of elective courses with GPA of at least 2.00 to be granted a B.Sc. degree. Likewise, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students have to compelete 40 and 16 course hours, respectively , with satisfactory GPA.


To ensure quality programs, the undergraduate program has been regularly assessed by National Board of Accreditation of Higher Education (BAN PT) with grade ‘A’. In October 2009, it was also been assessed by ASEAN University Network QA. In addition, both M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs were also achieved ‘A’ quality.


The department occupies part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences buildings with total floor plan of 6000 m2. It has 4 research and teaching laboratories that are Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratories and 1 undergraduate teaching laboratory for Basic Chemistry Laboratory Work and a Computational Chemistry Laboratory of Austrian-Indonesian Centre for Computational Chemistry (AIC). It is also equipped with an array of international standard of research equipments including AAS, UV-Vis, DTA-TGA, Electrophoresis, Potentiometer, Bomb Calorimeter, GC-MS, HPLC, H-NMR, IR, UV-VIS, TLC Scanner etc. In January 2010, it acquired a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), a major equipment to support qualified nano-research.


Since 2007, the Department of Chemistry has started a joint M.Sc. Dual Degree Program with The Institute of Ecological Chemistry and Waste Analysis of the Faculty of Life Sciences of Technische Universitaet Carolo Wilhelmina (TUBS) in Braunschweig, Germany, in the field of "Sustainability and Chemical Safety". The aim of the program is "to enable the students towards the application of chemical principles in lifting the quality of human life without degrading the biotic and abiotic environmental quality". To date, it has granted 2 M.Sc. graduates and there are 5 students working on their theses in Braunschweig, Germany. Some staffs have various joint researches with international institutions such as Keio University, Chiba University, Hokkaido Universities, TUBS, etc. The department is also actively involved in Excellence Center for Development (EXCEED) Cooperation, i.e. an international organization for sustainable water management in developing countries.


Research is one of the cores of the department advancement. Research is elaborated to support the advancement of science and its application, and to assist Universitas Gadjah Mada in pursuing its vision to become an internationally recognized research university. The staff members within the department develop 5 research groups consisting of Life Sciences, Industrial Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Material Chemistry, and Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. In the last five years, they published 28 papers in international journals and 64 in national journals. Some of the faculty members serve as editors and reviewers of international journals, and even as Scientific Adviser of IFS (International Foundation for Sciences), Sweden.


AdmissionRp 30,000,000
TuitionRp 10,000,000/semester


Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.


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As the oldest and largest university in Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada is especially charged with the responsibility to generate scholars and vision for the nation, through global interconnections that retaining cultural authenticity and a passion for social change. Universities cannot simply pursue knowledge without a purpose, but rather must uphold and integrate the best social values of a society in the process, never losing sight of the fact that universities exist for people, rather than the reverse. Universitas Gadjah Mada invites the world community and global industry to join this project of integrating research with pursuit of a better social good. The global connections of an international university can only be fully maximized when there is strong internal cooperation from within the university. In this way, Universitas Gadjah Mada has to be able to cope with the change we know will come, and those that we cannot anticipate in advance.

Tourism Studies Program

Rationalizations in establishing an international class in the Tourism Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences are as follows:

  1. Referring to the Mission and Vision of Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, i.e. the realization of world-class university programs.
  2. Preparing graduates who will be able to compete at the international level.
  3. Responding to public interested in attending international-standard education.
  4. Accelerating the quality improvement of learning in regular programs towards an international standard.


The Tourism Studies Program offers the study of tourism in three main majors, namely destination management, travel and tour management, and hotel hospitality. The program educates students with varying skills related to those areas so that they will be highly capable in either planning or managing tourism-related businesses and institutions.


The Tourism Studies Program will be nationally and internationally recognized as the leading institution in education and research in tourism in order to contribute to people's welfare and humanity, and bases its philosophy on the Pancasila principles.


  1. To provide a highly qualified and nationally and internationally-acclaimed education in tourism studies and research.
  2. To graduate tourism professionals possessing cultural and moral awareness, innovation, leadership, and awareness in humanity.
  3. To develop researches in the tourism knowledge which help realize high quality education, knowledge, technology and art for the nation and humanity.
  4. To improve community services in the field of tourism in solving humanity’s and community’s problems.
  5. To conduct cooperation with institutions either in domestic or abroad in the field of tourism to improve the quality of education, research, and community services.
  6. To conduct sustainable and high quality study program organization and accountable management in answering the changing world.


The study of travel, tourism system, and tourism implications to its stakeholders, culture, and environment.


To graduate tourism professionals with high capabilities in tourism knowledge and to actively involved in humanity and the nation’s welfare as well. The Tourism Studies Program aims at graduating tourism professionals who are able to:

  • plan, develop, and manage tourism destination and attraction, travel, and hotel hospitality;
  • market national tourism-related products, explain and promote international tourism;
  • create and/or develop new tourism attraction;
  • manage undesirable impacts of tourism industry;
  • arrange a tourism operational planning, tour packages and their costs;
  • organize human resources in the field of tourism;
  • continuously develop knowledge about law, regulations, and policies related to businesses in tourism sector; and
  • run tourism-related businesses.


Students are required to take 144 to 148 credit hours, consisting of 123 credit hours of compulsory subjects and 49 credit hours of elective subjects.


NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1Religion (Indonesian Values and Beliefs)3C
2Introduction to Humanities 4C
3English I4C
4Introduction to Tourism3C
5Indonesian Archaeology2C
6Tourism Economics2C
7Indonesian History 2E
8French I2E
9Korean I 2E
10Dutch I2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1Civics and State Ideology3C
3English II4C
4Tourism Laws2C
5Tourism Ethics Code2C
6Tourism Impact2C
7Tourism Information System 2C
8Tourism Human Resources2C
9French II2E
10Korean II 2E
11Dutch II2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1Indonesian Culture4C
2Tourism Psychology2C
3Innovation in Tourism3C
4Tourism Business2C
5Introduction to Hospitality 3C
6Performance Management2E
7Javanese Art2E
8Empowering Community2E
9Japanese I2E
10Mandarin I2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1English for Tourism I3C
2Tourism Intellectual History 3C
3Hospitality Management3C
4MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention & Exhibition)2C
5Tourism Management3C
6Tour Management 4C
7Tourism Policy2C
8Interpretation and Guiding2E
9Japanese II2E
10Mandarin II2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1English for Tourism II3C
2Tourism Marketing3C
3Tourism Statistics3C
4Geography of Indonesian Tourism2C
6Food & Beverage Management I4C
7Tourism Planning3C
9Germany I2E
10Arabic I2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1English for Tourism III3C
2Sustainable Tourism Development3C
3Geography of International Tourism2C
4Cultural Tourism3C
5Hygiene and Sanitation 2C
6Tourism Feasibility Study3C
7Hotel, Destination, and Travel Agent Accounting3E
8Food & Beverage Management II3E
9Germany I2E
10Arabic I2E

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
2Tourism Research Methodology3C
4Community Service3C

NoSubjectCredit HoursStatus
1Tourism Research Project6C


Tour and travel manager, hotel manager, researcher, tourism consultant, restaurant manager, government employee in tourism office, event organizer manager, airline manager.


AdmissionRp 25,000,000
TuitionRp 10,000,000/semester


Jl. Nusantara No. 1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 901137, 513096 Ext. 105
Fax: +62 274 550541
E-mail: tourismdepartment.ugm@gmail.com


  1. Fahmi Prihantoro, S.S., S.H., M.A.
    Phone: +62 81 1251138
    E-mail: fahmiprihantoro@yahoo.co.id
  2. Popi Irawan, S.S., M.Sc.
    Phone: +62 813 92757211
    E-mail: popi.irawan@gmail.com


Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.

English Studies Program

The English Department promotes the study of English language and literature, and culture. The program provides students with the ability to read and write texts of various genres, with a critical understanding of their cultural implications; introduces students to works of English, American, writers and other literature in the English language taken from various time periods; and to the linguistic and rhetorical concepts in the English language.


English Department aims to produce graduates who will become bilinguals who are critical and creative thinkers, are able to conduct self-directed learning, posess cross cultural understanding and are able to compete in the global world while placing emphasis on their Indonesian cultural roots.


The English Department will be both nationally and internationally recognized as the leading education and research institution in English language and literature based on humanity and Pancasila.


The mission of the English Department is:

  1. to provide an international sandard of education in English language and literature;
  2. to produce graduates who are professional bilinguals in the three perspective cores, linguistics, literary and culture; to prepare students who are ethical, innovative,and have interests in issues of humanity and community, who can compete to realize the glory of the nation; and be leaders in a wide range of social endavors;
  3. to develop multicultural-based learning, and employ a competence-based curriculum that is broad and flexible enabling sudents o develop themselves in line with the social dynamics;
  4. to enhance researches in English language and literature endorsing the advance of education, sciences, technology, and art which useful for the prosperity of the nation and human kind;
  5. to involve students n community services in order to be able to connect academics and the society by applying their knowledge of linguistics, literature, to solve community�s and humanity�s problems;
  6. to cooperate with national and international institutions in the fields of language, literature and culture in order to enhance education, research, and community service;
  7. to continuously ensure a highly qualified and transparent organization and management of the department to meet the needs of a changing world.


The English Department offers a range of courses encouraging students to experience the chronological and intellectual range of English literature and language.

1Indonesian values and beliefs
2Civics and State Ideology
3Integrated English I
4Communicative English I
5Indonesian Language and Culture

1Introduction to Humanities
2Integrated English II
3Communicative English II
4Introduction to Literature
5Linguistics I

2Romantic Literature
3Gothic Traditions
4Science (and) Fictions
5Linguistics II

2Populer Literature
4The reflection of reality : Literature of the 19th and 20th century
5Book Report I

1Colonial and Poscolonial Literature
2Literature Research Methodology and Seminar
3Language Research Methodology and Seminar
4Professional Writing
5Book Report II

1Community service
2Creative writing
3Proposal writing
4Contemporary Literature
5Soft Skills

Elective courses (choose max 3 subjects)
3Translation/Interpreting In Practice
4Course Design
5British Studies
6Black/Southern Literature
7French/German I
8French/German II
9Language Teaching Methodology
10American Studies
11International Relationship

1Graduating Paper

The students have to take a minimum of 144 and a maximum of 148 credit hours.


The department prepares its students for a variety of professions; translator, lecturer, interpreter, journalist, diplomat, language consultant, researcher, government officer, secretary, editor, guide, content writer, book reviewer.


The English Department has a strong relation with Oberlin Shansi Memorial Association, a private foundation located on the Oberlin College campus in Ohio that promotes educational and cultural understanding and exchanges.


  1. Library
  2. Language Center
  3. Computer Laboratory
  4. Javanese Gamelan Ensemble
  5. SAU
  6. Phonetic Laboratory


AdmissionRp 25,000,000
TuitionRp 10,000,000/semester


  1. Adi Sutrisno, Drs. M.A . (Applied Linguistics)
  2. Amin Basuki, S.S., M.A (Linguistics)
  3. Aris Munandar, S.S, M.Hum (Applied Linguistics)
  4. Bernadus Hidayat, Drs., M.A (Literature, Translation)
  5. C. Soebakdi Soemanto, Prof. Dr., S.U. (Creative Writing, Classical Drama, American Theatre)
  6. Djoko Moerdiyanto, Drs. M.A (American Studies and Literature)
  7. Eddy Pursubaryanto, Drs. Dipl.TESL., M.Hum. (Cross Cultural Studies)
  8. Esmeraldayanti Sosronegoro, Dra., S.U. (American Studies, Modern Drama)
  9. FX. Nadar, Dr., M.A (Pragmatics, Translation, Language Teaching Method)
  10. Ida Rochani Adi, Dr., S.U. (American Studies, Popular Literature, Popular Culture)
  11. Juliasih, Dr., S.U. (American Studies, Literature, Feminism)
  12. Muh. Arif Rohman, Drs. M.Hum. (Translation, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies)
  13. Ni Gusti Ayu Roeslani, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
  14. Nur Saktiningrum, S.S., M.Hum (American Studies, Religion)
  15. Rio Rini Diah Moehkardi, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics,TESOL)
  16. Sharifah Hanidar, Dra. M.Ed (Applied Linguistics, Literature, Education)
  17. Stephanus Djawanai, Ph.D, Drs. (Linguistics)
  18. Tofan Dwi Hardjanto, Drs. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
  19. Niken Sawitri, Dra. M.A. (Applied Linguistics)
  20. Sari Lestari, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
  21. Endang Soelistiyowati, M Pd, Dr.( Applied Linguistics, Education)


Jl. Nusantara 1 Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 901137, 513096 ext. 105
Fax: +62 274 550541
Website: http://english.fib.ugm.ac.id/
Email: englishdept.ugm@gmail.com


  1. Sharifah Hanidar, Dra. , M.Ed.
    Phone : 087839494445
    Email : dearhani@yahoo.com
  2. Nur Saktiningrum, S.S. M. Hum
    Phone : 08179402659
    Email : nsningrum@yahoo.com


Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.


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Globalization today has not only created new opportunities, but has also brought new challenges. In a global, liberalized and interconnected world where opportunities and changes are great, institutions must extend their capacity to interact within the global sphere. Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Law, a well-established legal education institution and recognised as one of the top law faculties in Indonesia, has the capacity to extend its reach to an international level. This extension is to be facilitated through a process of “internationalization” that will be driven by the mission of Universitas Gadjah Mada: “(to) become an excellent and prominent research university according to international standards, orientated around the interests of the people and based on the Pancasila”. This mission has motivated and encouraged the Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada, as a leading educational institution in Indonesia, to become part of an educational setting at an international level, especially to prepare its students to work to a level that is comparable to that of students from outstanding universities around the world.

The Faculty of Law at Universitas Gadjah Mada understands the need for a long-term strategy to meet this mission, in order to continuously create new approaches and adapt to existing ones which can assist the institution deal more effectively with new opportunities and challenges. One strategic way to address this mission is to establish an international program within the Faculty of Law.

The international program shall promote the Faculty of Law and the Universitas Gadjah Mada internationally, in line with our mission to become an internationally recognized higher educational institution. Graduates will be expected to master the scientific knowledge and practical skills of law in an open-minded, critical and tolerant manner that is sensitive to individuals, especially in relation to legal and judicial matters, and be able to implement their skills and knowledge in solving legal and judicial problems. Our modest and open-minded society, full of the warm and friendly people of the city of Yogyakarta support this process.

The international program has been arranged under the coordination of the International Program Office, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The IP Office manages activities and programs that relate particularly to the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). This program relates to the development of international networks with foreign universities and other institutions. The IUP shall concentrate on three areas—Public International Law, Business Law, and Constitutional Law—and invite Indonesian and foreign nationals to partake in the study and teaching of these areas. As well as the IUP, several programs have already been held by the International Program in cooperation with other foreign universities and international institutions, in the form of training and seminars, workshops, summer courses, internships, auditing students, and visiting professors.

By joining the International Program you will be giving yourself the chance to realize that precious opportunities are within your reach.


Applicants for admission must possess a graduation certificate from a reputable High school in Indonesia or Abroad.
Applicants for admission must register for and take the acquisition test conducted by IUP Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Applications for admission must be submitted latest:
1) 4th week of December 0f 2010 for period I (10 and 11 of January 2011 will be the test date),
2) 4th week of March of 2011 for period II (8 and 9 of April 2011 will be the test date),
3) 4th week of May of 2011 for period III (1st week of June will be the test date)
The following items are required to complete the application for admission:
1) Download and print the admission form,
2) Fill in the form,
3) Copy of High School Report and National Exams score,
4) Three recent (3x4)and (4x6) Photographs,
5) Pay the application fee IDR 1,000,000 (is non refundable),
Send all the documents above to Secretariat IUP Faculty of Law, UGM, Yogyakarta

click here to download the admission form

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Gadjah Mada University (GMU) has collaboration in double degree program with: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University, Netherlands, Pforzheim University, Germany, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Melbourne, Australia, ESCEM School of Business and Management. We also have collaboration in student exchange program with: University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany, Pforzheim University, Germany, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, ESCEM School of Business and Management, France, ISCTE Lisboa, Portugal, Hiroshima University of Economics, Japan, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Nagoya University, Japan, Chuo University, Japan, Saga University, Japan, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Chiba University, Japan, Daejon University, Korea.International Undergraduate Admissions test is organized into three intakes:
Intake I : 4th week of December
Intake II : 4th week of April
Intake III : 1st week of July
Applicants welcome to apply anytime and free to select which intake they wish to apply. Applicants may send the application by post or come to the Admission Office of Faculty of Economics and Business. When applying online, applicants need to send complete relevant documents to The Admission office of FEB one week prior to the Admissions test schedule.

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The first semester started in August 2005. The Faculty of Economics and Business UGM has prepared this program since 10 years ago by developing human resource and facilities. The Faculty had sent faculty members to study abroad. Continues improvement in facilitating education process put the Faculty as one of the best faculty of economics in Indonesia. Now the Faculty has capacities and capabilities to perform International Undergraduate Program. The Faculty also has many experiences in performing international class in the regular programs. The faculty has equipped with internal, international, and industry network, facilities and competent lecturers for running the program. Faculty of Economics and Business UGM through the MM program has experienced running an international program. Faculty of Economics and Business UGM also has experiences in managing a collaborative program in international classes at undergraduate level, with respected international universities.
  1. What degree will we get from the program?

    Single Degree Program
    Students graduated from this program are awarded with Sarjana Ekonomi (SE) in Accounting, Business, or Economics (depending on the major area). The degree has higher qualifications than those who have the Bachelor degrees in Accounting, Business, or Economics from other international universities. The program also provides an official translation of the certificate of study completion.
    Double Degree Program.
    Students who take double degree program will receive SE degrees from Universitas Gadjah Mada and B.Sc. from partner universities. After four semesters study in Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, students will receive official certificate that they have successfully completed the first part of the program and can continue to take other subjects to finish the second part of the program before they are awarded SE and Bachelor degrees (BSc). After completing this program (especially at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands), they may have the right of specific access to the one year Master's degree at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM or at the partner university. For students who take part of credit in overseas in student exchange program (less than 3 semesters), they will receive SE degree and official certificate of successful completion of subjects from the partner universities.

  2. What is the Academic Schedule of IUP?

    For the detailed academic calendar, please click here.

  3. How can I join the Double Degree program?

    After studying at least 2 years (4 semesters) at Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, students may join the Double Degree program with accomplishing financial and academic requirements. The student will get the Double Degree by spending two or four semesters studying abroad (depend on the partner universities policies of Double Degree).

  4. Is there any scholarship in the international program?

    Yes, Scholarships are awarded to students who qualify for a number of criteria. In general, the Faculty follows Universitas Gadjah Mada policies in awarding the scholarship. The Faculty offers full and partial tuition scholarship to reduce the students' financial burden. The scholarships will be awarded based on economic and social background and academic ability of the students.

  5. What facilities can we get while studying at international program?

    The facilities include EBSCO online journal, library with huge collection of resources and over 1,800 database journals, English Language Support Center, free and fast (up to 20 Mbps) internet access for students. The collections of library include reference books, magazines and newspapers, research reports, thesis and dissertations. Each class-room for lecturing activities are provided with Air Conditioner (AC), OHP, a Computer Unit, wireless audio/microphone, projector slide, and an LCD projector. Sport facilities such as fitness center, soccer field, tennis court, badminton court, basket ball, volley ball, and hockey are available. More information about facilities click here.

  6. What is UAT?

    The UAT (Undergraduate Admission Test) is a general test of verbal and quantitative reasoning. It is a three-hour and twenty minute test that measures verbal and mathematical reasoning skills. The test is required for admission to undergraduate programs and it predicts students' ability to accomplish their study.

  7. How do I apply to International Undergraduate Program FEB UGM?

    Complete the International undergraduate application for admission.
    You can download the application form: click here
    You can also apply online: click here
    Please ensure that you have attached:

    1. Copy of bank transfer receipt.
    2. Certified copies of transcripts/academic record (2 sets).
    3. An official explanation of the grading system.
    4. Three recent passport size photos (please write your name on back of the photo).
  8. What is the requirement to apply to International Undergraduate Program?

    The following are the requirements to apply to International Undergraduate Program:

    1. Senior high school (SMU) graduates with good academic records (last three years senior high school certificate).
    2. English Language proficiency, as indicated by TOEFL score of at least 500, or IELTS no less than 5,5. Students whose score is below the minimum may be considered for admission based on probationary condition.
    3. Good academic capability, as indicated by score of UAT (Undergraduate Admission Test) or its equivalence.
    4. Three recent passport size photos.
    5. Non refundable application fee is Rp 1,250, 000, - (one million and two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah). This includes registration fee, UAT and TOEFL. The application fee must be transferred to:
      Bank Mandiri C.O. Magister Sains UGM
      Account Name : Dekan FEB UGM QQ International Program account in;
      Account No : 137-009000000-7
  9. What is the tuition fee for the international program?

    The tuition fee is Rp 20,000,000,- (twenty millions rupiah) for one semester and USD 3,300 for foreign student. The student responsible for other fees in university level (i.e: UGM Guidance Book, UGM Coat, KKN fee, etc.) and also need to spend more money to copy course material and books. It is approximately Rp2.500.000,- for one semester.

  10. Will my tuition fees ever differ from the published fee?

    The tuition fee is Rp 20,000,000.- (twenty million rupiah) for one semester (until 2008) and USD 3,300 for foreign student. If you are enlisted as student starting at the semester, you always pay that amount for every semester without any increasing. There will be an evaluation of tuition fee amount per semester. New tuition fee will not influence to students who enter in the previous semester. The new tuition fee will only applicable for new student. The fee may be adjusted to take into account price and demand factors for each semester.

  11. When do I pay?

    The date of tuition fee payment will be published at the website in the academic calendar webpage. It is your responsibility to pay your fees and complete your enrolment by the published dates. If your fees remain unpaid, you will be considered as an inactive student.

  12. Where can I get the information about the International Program, admission requirements, application form, and related materials and information?

    You can visit our website: www.feb.ugm.ac.id/iup or come to the office of Admission during working hours (Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.), on Jl. Sosio Humaniora, Bulaksumur, Jogjakarta 55281 INDONESIA.
    We are also pleased to receive your phone call at: +62 274 548510 (hunting) Ext: 123 or +62 811 250 0505.

  13. I cannot join the test on the scheduled date; can I have the test on another day?

    The admissions test (TOEFL, UAT and Interview) is held in three intake.

    Intake I : 4th week of December
    Intake II : 4th week of April
    Intake III : 1st week of July

    The deadline for submission of application document is one week before IUP admission test starts.

  14. What is the living cost in Jogjakarta?
    Monthly Living Cost (approximately)
    Apartment/home stay Rp. 200,000,00 to Rp. 1,200,000,00
    Transportation Rp. 150,000,00 to Rp. 250,000,00
    Meals Rp. 500,000,00 to Rp. 700,000,00
    Book and Photocopy Rp. 150,000,00 to Rp. 250,000,00
    Total Rp. 1,000,000,00
    (±100$ USD)
    to Rp. 2,700,000,00
    (± 270$ USD)
  15. Can we get the opportunity to apply for student exchange program scholarship?

    Yes, you can. Some of our partner universities offer scholarship for joining student exchange program.

  16. How should I submit my complete document? (By e-mail/post)?

    You may send the documents to our address either by post or email one week before the test.

  17. What overseas universities that Faculty of Economics and Business UGM have collaboration with?

    We have collaboration in double degree program with: Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University, Netherlands, Pforzheim University, Germany, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Melbourne, Australia, ESCEM School of Business and Management. We also have collaboration in student exchange program with: University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, Germany, Pforzheim University, Germany, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, ESCEM School of Business and Management, France, ISCTE Lisboa, Portugal, Hiroshima University of Economics, Japan, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, Nagoya University, Japan, Chuo University, Japan, Saga University, Japan, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Chiba University, Japan, Daejon University, Korea.
    We have extensive collaborations with overseas universities and networks such as NIBES (The Network of International Business and Economics School) and AGBEP (ASEAN Graduate Business/ Economic Program) for student exchange program. For detailed information about it please click here.

  18. What kind of TOEFL scores can be used for applying the program?

    These following TOEFL score are accepted by the Program: International TOEFL, ITP TOEFL held by ETS, TOEFL Prediction (PPB UGM). We also accept IELTS score.

  19. What is the Intensive Preparation Program (IPP)?

    IPP is the comprehensive programs at Faculty of Economics Universitas Gadjah Mada for IUP students who have not met the English language requirements. This program offers continuous instruction from Monday to Friday. Courses are scheduled every week from 08.30 to 16.00. They focus on grammar, writing, conversation, pronunciation, listening, reading and vocabulary. The purpose of the program is to enable students to obtain sufficient knowledge to become fluent in all areas of English. In this program, there will be three core activities and all using English as the communication language: (1) Intensive TOEFL class, (2) English discussions class, and (3) Writing class. These three activities will be conducted in separate two-hour sessions. - Intensive TOEFL class
    This course intends to increase enrolling IUP students' TOEFL scores that have not yet reach 500. The course will be divided into three main subjects: (a) Reading and Vocabulary, (b) Structure and Written Expressions, and (c) Listening. In order for students to get minimum score of 500 from score about 400, they need to attend a 40 hours intensive TOEFL course.
    - English Discussion Class
    In this class, students are encouraged to communicate using English with other students. The class is designed for students to express their opinions on several chosen topics. The topics are common and academic topics that can be found in everyday campus life. The purpose of this class is to encourage students to use English language as their means of communication.
    - Writing class
    This class intends to introduce students how to write using English in a proper manner. Students are encouraged to express their opinion on the paper. Topics for this class start with general topics and then focus on academic topics.

  20. For foreign student, what are the procedures to study at UGM (to get the study permit)?

    Foreign students submit an application letter directly to:
    Kantor Urusan Internasional
    Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Gedung Pusat (KPU)
    Lantai II, Sayap Selatan
    Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta, 55281

    with all supporting documents:

    1. curriculum vitae (resume, personal data);
    2. guarantee statement, indicating financial ability to undertake education within Indonesia, in the form of a bank statement;
    3. personal statement, stating that the applicant will not engage in a job and will obey the Indonesian laws and regulations;
    4. copies of academic record and diplomas;
    5. recommendation letter from applicant's school/institution;
    6. recommendation letter from the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General;
    7. 4 passport size photos;
    8. a copy of passport showing the applicant's picture and the date of issuance and expiration. The passport must be valid and current for the period of study in Indonesia;
    9. Statement of good health from applicant̢۪s doctor.

    Should an applicant receive an offer of admission, the university becomes the facilitator or sponsor of the applicant during the study periods in Indonesia. Then we will request the applicant̢۪s study permit to the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. After the study permit has been issued, UGM will assist you to get a limited stay visa (VITAS) for 12 months; issued through the nearest Indonesian Embassy/Consulate in your country.
    It will take at least three/four months to arrange the study permit and visa. We strongly suggest you only leave for Indonesia only with this kind of visa (VITAS). Do not ever try to use another visa such as Cultural Social Visiting Visa (VKSB) or you will have to go to Immigration office every month for extension and have to leave Indonesia after 6 months to get a new visa.

    • The 1st semester begins from September and the 2nd semester from February.
    • The medium of instruction is the Indonesian language, except Faculty of Medical and Faculty of Economics and Business. They have International Program that uses English as the medium of instruction.
  21. When was IUP established

    The first semester started in August 2005. The Faculty of Economics and Business UGM has prepared this program since 10 years ago by developing human resource and facilities. The Faculty had sent faculty members to study abroad. Continues improvement in facilitating education process put the Faculty as one of the best faculty of economics in Indonesia. Now the Faculty has capacities and capabilities to perform International Undergraduate Program. The Faculty also has many experiences in performing international class in the regular programs. The faculty has equipped with internal, international, and industry network, facilities and competent lecturers for running the program. Faculty of Economics and Business UGM through the MM program has experienced running an international program. Faculty of Economics and Business UGM also has experiences in managing a collaborative program in international classes at undergraduate level, with respected international universities.

  22. Where do the classes for International Program take place?

    Classes take place in the undergraduate building (Jl. Sosio Humaniora Bulaksumur), the same class-room with classes for regular program. Every class-room in the Faculty is facilitated with Air Conditioner (AC), OHP, a Computer Unit, wireless audio/microphone, projector slide, and an LCD projector.