Tourism Studies Program
Rationalizations in establishing an international class in the Tourism Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences are as follows:
- Referring to the Mission and Vision of Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, i.e. the realization of world-class university programs.
- Preparing graduates who will be able to compete at the international level.
- Responding to public interested in attending international-standard education.
- Accelerating the quality improvement of learning in regular programs towards an international standard.
The Tourism Studies Program offers the study of tourism in three main majors, namely destination management, travel and tour management, and hotel hospitality. The program educates students with varying skills related to those areas so that they will be highly capable in either planning or managing tourism-related businesses and institutions.
The Tourism Studies Program will be nationally and internationally recognized as the leading institution in education and research in tourism in order to contribute to people's welfare and humanity, and bases its philosophy on the Pancasila principles.
- To provide a highly qualified and nationally and internationally-acclaimed education in tourism studies and research.
- To graduate tourism professionals possessing cultural and moral awareness, innovation, leadership, and awareness in humanity.
- To develop researches in the tourism knowledge which help realize high quality education, knowledge, technology and art for the nation and humanity.
- To improve community services in the field of tourism in solving humanity’s and community’s problems.
- To conduct cooperation with institutions either in domestic or abroad in the field of tourism to improve the quality of education, research, and community services.
- To conduct sustainable and high quality study program organization and accountable management in answering the changing world.
The study of travel, tourism system, and tourism implications to its stakeholders, culture, and environment.
To graduate tourism professionals with high capabilities in tourism knowledge and to actively involved in humanity and the nation’s welfare as well. The Tourism Studies Program aims at graduating tourism professionals who are able to:
- plan, develop, and manage tourism destination and attraction, travel, and hotel hospitality;
- market national tourism-related products, explain and promote international tourism;
- create and/or develop new tourism attraction;
- manage undesirable impacts of tourism industry;
- arrange a tourism operational planning, tour packages and their costs;
- organize human resources in the field of tourism;
- continuously develop knowledge about law, regulations, and policies related to businesses in tourism sector; and
- run tourism-related businesses.
Students are required to take 144 to 148 credit hours, consisting of 123 credit hours of compulsory subjects and 49 credit hours of elective subjects.
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | Religion (Indonesian Values and Beliefs) | 3 | C |
2 | Introduction to Humanities | 4 | C |
3 | English I | 4 | C |
4 | Introduction to Tourism | 3 | C |
5 | Indonesian Archaeology | 2 | C |
6 | Tourism Economics | 2 | C |
7 | Indonesian History | 2 | E |
8 | French I | 2 | E |
9 | Korean I | 2 | E |
10 | Dutch I | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 26 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | Civics and State Ideology | 3 | C |
2 | Composition | 2 | C |
3 | English II | 4 | C |
4 | Tourism Laws | 2 | C |
5 | Tourism Ethics Code | 2 | C |
6 | Tourism Impact | 2 | C |
7 | Tourism Information System | 2 | C |
8 | Tourism Human Resources | 2 | C |
9 | French II | 2 | E |
10 | Korean II | 2 | E |
11 | Dutch II | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 26 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | Indonesian Culture | 4 | C |
2 | Tourism Psychology | 2 | C |
3 | Innovation in Tourism | 3 | C |
4 | Tourism Business | 2 | C |
5 | Introduction to Hospitality | 3 | C |
6 | Performance Management | 2 | E |
7 | Javanese Art | 2 | E |
8 | Empowering Community | 2 | E |
9 | Japanese I | 2 | E |
10 | Mandarin I | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 24 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | English for Tourism I | 3 | C |
2 | Tourism Intellectual History | 3 | C |
3 | Hospitality Management | 3 | C |
4 | MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention & Exhibition) | 2 | C |
5 | Tourism Management | 3 | C |
6 | Tour Management | 4 | C |
7 | Tourism Policy | 2 | C |
8 | Interpretation and Guiding | 2 | E |
9 | Japanese II | 2 | E |
10 | Mandarin II | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 26 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | English for Tourism II | 3 | C |
2 | Tourism Marketing | 3 | C |
3 | Tourism Statistics | 3 | C |
4 | Geography of Indonesian Tourism | 2 | C |
5 | Multiculturalism | 2 | C |
6 | Food & Beverage Management I | 4 | C |
7 | Tourism Planning | 3 | C |
8 | Ecotourism | 2 | E |
9 | Germany I | 2 | E |
10 | Arabic I | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 26 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | English for Tourism III | 3 | C |
2 | Sustainable Tourism Development | 3 | C |
3 | Geography of International Tourism | 2 | C |
4 | Cultural Tourism | 3 | C |
5 | Hygiene and Sanitation | 2 | C |
6 | Tourism Feasibility Study | 3 | C |
7 | Hotel, Destination, and Travel Agent Accounting | 3 | E |
8 | Food & Beverage Management II | 3 | E |
9 | Germany I | 2 | E |
10 | Arabic I | 2 | E |
TOTAL | 26 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | Internship | 3 | C |
2 | Tourism Research Methodology | 3 | C |
3 | Seminar | 3 | C |
4 | Community Service | 3 | C |
TOTAL | 12 |
No | Subject | Credit Hours | Status |
1 | Tourism Research Project | 6 | C |
TOTAL | 6 |
Tour and travel manager, hotel manager, researcher, tourism consultant, restaurant manager, government employee in tourism office, event organizer manager, airline manager.
Admission | Rp 25,000,000 |
Tuition | Rp 10,000,000/semester |
Jl. Nusantara No. 1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 901137, 513096 Ext. 105
Fax: +62 274 550541
E-mail: tourismdepartment.ugm@gmail.com
- Fahmi Prihantoro, S.S., S.H., M.A.
Phone: +62 81 1251138
E-mail: fahmiprihantoro@yahoo.co.id - Popi Irawan, S.S., M.Sc.
Phone: +62 813 92757211
E-mail: popi.irawan@gmail.com
Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.
English Studies Program
The English Department promotes the study of English language and literature, and culture. The program provides students with the ability to read and write texts of various genres, with a critical understanding of their cultural implications; introduces students to works of English, American, writers and other literature in the English language taken from various time periods; and to the linguistic and rhetorical concepts in the English language.
English Department aims to produce graduates who will become bilinguals who are critical and creative thinkers, are able to conduct self-directed learning, posess cross cultural understanding and are able to compete in the global world while placing emphasis on their Indonesian cultural roots.
The English Department will be both nationally and internationally recognized as the leading education and research institution in English language and literature based on humanity and Pancasila.
The mission of the English Department is:
- to provide an international sandard of education in English language and literature;
- to produce graduates who are professional bilinguals in the three perspective cores, linguistics, literary and culture; to prepare students who are ethical, innovative,and have interests in issues of humanity and community, who can compete to realize the glory of the nation; and be leaders in a wide range of social endavors;
- to develop multicultural-based learning, and employ a competence-based curriculum that is broad and flexible enabling sudents o develop themselves in line with the social dynamics;
- to enhance researches in English language and literature endorsing the advance of education, sciences, technology, and art which useful for the prosperity of the nation and human kind;
- to involve students n community services in order to be able to connect academics and the society by applying their knowledge of linguistics, literature, to solve community�s and humanity�s problems;
- to cooperate with national and international institutions in the fields of language, literature and culture in order to enhance education, research, and community service;
- to continuously ensure a highly qualified and transparent organization and management of the department to meet the needs of a changing world.
The English Department offers a range of courses encouraging students to experience the chronological and intellectual range of English literature and language.
No | Subject |
1 | Indonesian values and beliefs |
2 | Civics and State Ideology |
3 | Integrated English I |
4 | Communicative English I |
5 | Indonesian Language and Culture |
No | Subject |
1 | Introduction to Humanities |
2 | Integrated English II |
3 | Communicative English II |
4 | Introduction to Literature |
5 | Linguistics I |
No | Subject |
1 | Multiculturalism |
2 | Romantic Literature |
3 | Gothic Traditions |
4 | Science (and) Fictions |
5 | Linguistics II |
No | Subject |
1 | Translation |
2 | Populer Literature |
3 | Autobiography |
4 | The reflection of reality : Literature of the 19th and 20th century |
5 | Book Report I |
No | Subject |
1 | Colonial and Poscolonial Literature |
2 | Literature Research Methodology and Seminar |
3 | Language Research Methodology and Seminar |
4 | Professional Writing |
5 | Book Report II |
No | Subject |
1 | Community service |
2 | Creative writing |
3 | Proposal writing |
4 | Contemporary Literature |
5 | Soft Skills |
Elective courses (choose max 3 subjects) | |
No | Subject |
1 | Sociolinguistics |
2 | Shakespeare |
3 | Translation/Interpreting In Practice |
4 | Course Design |
5 | British Studies |
6 | Black/Southern Literature |
7 | French/German I |
8 | French/German II |
9 | Language Teaching Methodology |
10 | American Studies |
11 | International Relationship |
No | Subject |
1 | Graduating Paper |
The students have to take a minimum of 144 and a maximum of 148 credit hours.
The department prepares its students for a variety of professions; translator, lecturer, interpreter, journalist, diplomat, language consultant, researcher, government officer, secretary, editor, guide, content writer, book reviewer.
The English Department has a strong relation with Oberlin Shansi Memorial Association, a private foundation located on the Oberlin College campus in Ohio that promotes educational and cultural understanding and exchanges.
- Library
- Language Center
- Computer Laboratory
- Javanese Gamelan Ensemble
- Phonetic Laboratory
Admission | Rp 25,000,000 |
Tuition | Rp 10,000,000/semester |
- Adi Sutrisno, Drs. M.A . (Applied Linguistics)
- Amin Basuki, S.S., M.A (Linguistics)
- Aris Munandar, S.S, M.Hum (Applied Linguistics)
- Bernadus Hidayat, Drs., M.A (Literature, Translation)
- C. Soebakdi Soemanto, Prof. Dr., S.U. (Creative Writing, Classical Drama, American Theatre)
- Djoko Moerdiyanto, Drs. M.A (American Studies and Literature)
- Eddy Pursubaryanto, Drs. Dipl.TESL., M.Hum. (Cross Cultural Studies)
- Esmeraldayanti Sosronegoro, Dra., S.U. (American Studies, Modern Drama)
- FX. Nadar, Dr., M.A (Pragmatics, Translation, Language Teaching Method)
- Ida Rochani Adi, Dr., S.U. (American Studies, Popular Literature, Popular Culture)
- Juliasih, Dr., S.U. (American Studies, Literature, Feminism)
- Muh. Arif Rohman, Drs. M.Hum. (Translation, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies)
- Ni Gusti Ayu Roeslani, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
- Nur Saktiningrum, S.S., M.Hum (American Studies, Religion)
- Rio Rini Diah Moehkardi, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics,TESOL)
- Sharifah Hanidar, Dra. M.Ed (Applied Linguistics, Literature, Education)
- Stephanus Djawanai, Ph.D, Drs. (Linguistics)
- Tofan Dwi Hardjanto, Drs. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
- Niken Sawitri, Dra. M.A. (Applied Linguistics)
- Sari Lestari, Dra. M.A (Applied Linguistics)
- Endang Soelistiyowati, M Pd, Dr.( Applied Linguistics, Education)
Jl. Nusantara 1 Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 901137, 513096 ext. 105
Fax: +62 274 550541
Website: http://english.fib.ugm.ac.id/
Email: englishdept.ugm@gmail.com
- Sharifah Hanidar, Dra. , M.Ed.
Phone : 087839494445
Email : dearhani@yahoo.com - Nur Saktiningrum, S.S. M. Hum
Phone : 08179402659
Email : nsningrum@yahoo.com
Please click here for Intake III Online Application from 10 - 23 August 2011.